Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Scripture: In the Lords Time

(I chose this picture because it reminds me of the Lords timing in all things)

Doctrine and Covenants 64: 31-31

31 And behold, I, the Lord, declare unto you, and my words are sure and shall not fail, that they shall obtain it.
32 But all things must come to pass in their time.

I have had a lot on my mind lately, most of it related to what the Lord has in store for our family. If someone had asked me 3 years ago if I ever saw us living in Colorado, I would have answered with a resounding, NO. I had absolutely no desire to live in the snow or near the snow, in fact living in Colorado was the farthest thing from my mind. However I was EXTREMELY interested in living in Texas (still wouldn't mind it), I had actually been somewhat fixated on going there for some time. Spending hours, weeks, ok years, searching for jobs for Jimmy, before he was without one, looking at homes online, researching the schools, weather, neighborhoods, everything. So when Jimmy lost his job, naturally I thought "Well, that's settled, we are to move to Texas." The Lord had other plans for us and after time on my knees and in the temple I knew that my assignment was to follow my husband. I was a little annoyed because, you see, I was hoping that my "wanting" to go to Texas would be enough for the Lord to provide the way there, but as I learned I was receiving a lesson in not only the Lords plan for us, but also to rely on my husbands inspirations and promptings like I never had before.

I am beyond grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me the opportunity to see a side of Jimmy that I had yet to see. Jimmy is my hero, he is one of the strongest people I know, he has been through so many things in his life, I know that the plan for him is great and being chosen to stand at his side is the greatest blessing in my life. I lean on him when my burdens seem too heavy and because he leans on the Lord, our foundation is firm.

We are yet again faced with the possibility of Jimmy not having a job. For the last month we have been praying that the contract in which we thought was secure (then found out it wasn't), will be renewed, we pray that the Lords plan is for us to stay where we are. What we are hearing is promising, but we won't know for sure until the contracted is signed, which who knows when that will be. Our only constant is knowing that the Lord will lead and guide us, He has his eye upon us and we are open to His will and journey for us.

(picture courtesy of my tripod)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Is This My Life??!!! (Cause if it is, I'll Take it)

The weather here in the big CO is not boring!!! We went from playing ball in the backyard and family walks, to a Snow Day (no school, no work) in a matter of hours, as in 24!!

This was Monday Evening, we were all out in our backyard playing and then we went for a walk around the neighborhood!! I love days like this!

Tuesday Afternoon it started to rain and then the snow fell and fell and fell

Wednesday Morning we woke up to a winter wonderland!!

Since Jimmy didn't have to go to the base and the kids didn't have school we bundled up and headed down to the park to have some fun in the snow! It was a beautiful day, the storm had passed and it was warm and sunny, I've decided that I love days like this too!!!

Being from Las Vegas I figured my expertise in Snow Man building was needed!! (Jimmy wasn't interested in helping, just taking pics of me doin the work, Pansy!)

No I don't have Monster sized hands, I borrowed Jimmy's gloves :)


My Front Room Like this..........

And My Office/sewing room/spare room like this...........

Monday, March 22, 2010

I Don't Usually

beep..beep...beep..beep....... I interrupt your scheduled program to bring you this urgent message...........

I don't typically use my blog to express my political opinions but with recent events in Washington I can't just let it go by without saying my piece.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

How unfortunate that our freedoms are being taken away a little at a time and so many people are blinded by his "celebrity" they don't see the "leprosy" spreading through our country!! When did
More Government Control = "A Good Change" ????

IS everyone aware that this "Health care Reform" doesn't apply to Congress or the Unions???? hmmm I find that quite interesting, don't you??

C'mon people stand on your own two feet!!!!!


OK you can all return to your otherwise scheduled programs.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday Scripture: Moral Courage

D&C 84:88

And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.

I haven't served a full time mission, I have never had to choose between the things in which I believe and my family and I have not faced eviction from my home due to my faith, yet everyday I am tested and tried to make correct decisions.

I was lucky/blessed to have been born with a natural stubbornness and forthcoming attitude. Some might not see that as being lucky, but for me it has served me well in instances when I could have been persuaded to do wrong but because I am stubborn I withstood those temptations. Have I always made all the right choices, no, that goes without saying, I think.?.

I believe that many of our true tests are not going to be when all eyes are watching, but perhaps in the moments when we think no one will know. I have experienced first hand, as well as watched family and friends make what seems as one harmless choice turn into a downward spiral that led to sorrow, pain, frustration, fear, and unforeseen consequences for years to come.

It can be a most difficult road back, but it begins with just one right choice and then another, until the path between right and wrong no longer seems blurry. The ultimate right choice is accepting the Lords help and assistance in your life, for when we have Him the line is drawn clearly and we will more easily know where we must stand.

There can not be any amount of teetering, when you begin mingling with even small amounts of dishonesty and moral filth, there is no way to come out unscathed. Dancing with the devil for even one dance will leave you with swollen toes and a lingering foul scent.

As the Wives, Husbands, Mothers and Fathers we must give our children the example of what is right, we have to walk that walk, otherwise they will see through our words and begin defining for themselves what they believe to be right.

Everyday I pray that I might be guided, strengthened, and encouraged by my Heavenly Father, sometimes that means I am putting one foot in front of the other, other days the path is more clear and I can run for miles in the right direction. I work hard to be honest, kind, patient, happy, patient, loving, forgiving, patient, trustworthy, humble, patient and patient. Asking for help from my Heavenly Father is essential in my efforts, for with out Him I would have been mulch years ago, trodden by cows out to pasture.

"Come Follow Me"
By Dan Freed

I wanted to leave you with a little inspiration and examples where I made both bad and good choices
Hiked up shorts, full side ponytail, rolled sleeves, obviously the WRONG choice!!

Matching pink off the shoulder sweater and corduroys, fashionable charm necklace, appropriate side ponytail, posing with a tree.........clearly the CORRECT choice

Happy Sunday

All My love

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Going Green!! but Not the Tree Hugging Kind

Well with the last name Kelley one might think there was some Irish, but actually to make a long story short, there isn't a speck of Irish in our family!! The last name Kelley started out as O'Kelley but somewhere along the lines someone forgot the 'O', any who, Jimmy was not born with the last name Kelley, he adopted it later (very very condensed version). So, we are the Kelley's, which is an Irish name but we are not Irish!
Anyway since my favorite color in the world is Kelly Green, my last name is as previously stated, Kelley, and my most beloved childrens cereal is Lucky Charms, St. Patricks Day really should be my favorite holiday, it's not, but it should be! It has been a few years since I last made a "deal" about St. Patty's Day but I was in the mood, so I went to work planning and cooking a GREEN Dinner!

I must confess that I wish I had the energy and will to make more fun out of the holidays, once upon a time I made special dinners for all of them but then I got old and grumpy and stopped. So this really was a treat for the family, most nights they are lucky to not be poisoned!

The dinner consisted of Pasta with Pesto Sauce, green jello with bananas, green colored apple dip, green veggies, pickles, and green rice crispy treats for dessert! I was so happy that the kids and Jimmy enjoyed the Green theme and they have now assigned me the task of doing dinner in color themes from now on, not gonna happen, but it's a fun idea (maybe I will on occasion).

I was proud of myself for being the good wife/mother yesterday and doing something fun, just for the fun of it. I know my limits people, yesterday was a good day!

(Getting ready to head to school)

All three looking happy

James starting to get annoyed with the camera

James, completely annoyed with the camera

(and I was starting to think my boobs were getting small, until I saw this pic)
Me and My Baby

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Identity Crisis

One would think that at 31 I would know who I am, but alas, I still wobble a bit now and then. So I have once again changed the name of my blog, I was gonna actually name it this a while ago but then I watched a show and thought I would try to be philosophical and deep and named it "roots", but all I kept thinking of was the fact that my hair needed to be colored, so I followed my initial thought and went back to "Losing my marbles". I frequently use that term and it also reminds me of Toodles from the movie HOOK, so there you go!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tide Me Over

When I am feeling blue I try to think of things that make me happy or give me a little smile, you know "things to tide me over" until the Sun comes out again!!

Wearing my favorite color, Kelly Green (of course)

Watching a little Ellen

Vacuuming with this pretty little thing (yes, it's true it makes me happy)

Making salsa for my husband with this fantastic invention

Applying a bunch of this to my lashes always makes me feel better

Covering my grays with this makes me look younger and feel refreshed

Taking pictures with this brings me joy

Listening to them makes me want to sing

And sometimes I like to dance like this ( it reminds me of home)

All my love